Beginning with the engine, check for the loose parts and fix them up. Lubricate the propeller shaft and fill the fuel tank with fuel and good fuel conditioner.
Talking about outboards, disconnect the fuel line and let it run until the motor stops. Use appropriate flush kit according to the owner’s manual. For inboard and inboard – out drive motors, make sure to flush the cooling system and drain all water from the engine. Change oil filters and refill them according to the manual.
Clean the boat thoroughly both inside and outside. Remove all the things you have on boat like electronics, life jackets, fire extinguishers, etc. Pump the holding tank for bathroom waste as dry as possible. Cover the boat in a way making sure the existence of air circulation. For outside storage, construct a tarp support system, that will prevent it from snow and rains.
Different ways are available for boat storage. Make sure to pick on a way which falls in your budget and is most convenient for you.
Trailering is one of the less – expensive less-expensive way to keep a boat in your driveway or backyard. A boat trailer has the