Swap homes
As a matter of fact, home swapping is rapidly becoming a trend and you can even find this method on some of the most popular travel websites. The fact is that the majority of travel expenses go towards accommodations. Therefore, when you swap your home with other fellow travelers you eliminate this particular line of expenses and your trip becomes much cheaper. It also has perks like a fully equipped kitchen, proper bathrooms, and things that you won’t find in a cheap hotel.
This is a term that relates to numerous people traveling within the same vehicle. For instance, you can look for someone who travels in the same direction and you can split the expenses in half. As you can imagine, the more people you get the less you are going to pay for the travel.
This is an old-fashioned method of traveling for free. Basically, what you want to do is try and stop people on the road and get them to drive you towards the direction they are heading. It’s a great way to meet new local people and it’s completely free, even though some hitchhikers offer some money in exchange for the favor.
Become a crew member of a cruise ship
This is a way not only to travel for free but to earn a few bucks as well. Enjoy visiting a wide variety of countries on a regular basis and earn money while doing it. Of course, there are some downsides – you will obviously have to work so there might not be enough time for sightseeing but generally crew members get some days off when the ship reaches its destination. This should be the best time for you to look around.
Use budget airlines
A few years ago, several airlines were created that offer incredibly low rates for their tickets. This is mainly due to the fact that you will be flying with almost no additional comfort but, after all, your main purpose is to see the world, not to fly in first class airplanes.